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The following opinion is presented on-line for informational use only and does not replace the official version. (Mich Dept of Attorney General Web Site - www.ag.state.mi.us) STATE OF MICHIGAN FRANK J. KELLEY, ATTORNEY GENERAL Opinion No. 6436 April 28, 1987 CORRECTIONS, DEPARTMENT OF: Authority to permit triple bunking in county jail cell JAILS: Number of inmates in a county jail cell The Legislature has set a limit of two inmates to be housed in a county jail cell. The Department of Corrections is without authority by variance or otherwise to permit a county jail to house three or more inmates in a cell. Honorable Justine Barns State Representative The Capitol Lansing, Michigan Robert Brown, Jr. Director Michigan Department of Corrections Stevens T. Mason Building Lansing, Michigan You have requested my opinion on the authority of the Department of Corrections to permit the Wayne County Sheriff to triple bunk inmates in a cell. Your request involves MCL 791.262b; MSA 28.2322(2), as added by 1984 PA 145, which sets specific standards for housing two inmates per single cell; 1979 AC, R 791.563, which requires that each inmate have an individual cell; and 1979 AC, R 791.511, which outlines the procedures and requirements for the Department of Corrections to grant a variance to local units of government that are unable to meet the promulgated rules for jails and lockups. MCL 791.262; MSA 28.2322, as amended by 1964 PA 111, provided in part: "The department [of corrections] shall supervise and inspect local jails and houses of correction for the purpose of obtaining facts in any manner pertaining to the usefulness and proper management of said penal institutions and of promoting proper, efficient and humane administration thereof, and shall promulgate rules and standards with relation thereto;...." (Emphasis added.) Several rules were promulgated under this grant of authority which addressed, among other things, the number of prisoners to be housed in a cell. The rules became effective September 3, 1975. One of those rules is 1979 AC, R 791.563: "(1) Except for a holding or a detoxification cell, housing shall be constructed so that each inmate has an individual cell or room...." (Emphasis added.) Another rule promulgated by the Department of Corrections permitted certain variances as set forth in 1979 AC, R 791.511, which provides: "(1) A facility shall comply with the requirements of these rules, except that the commission may grant a variance where it determines that: (a) Strict compliance would cause unusual difficulties and hardships. (b) The exception meets the intent of the rule and would not seriously affect the security, supervision of inmates, programs or the safe, healthful, or efficient operation of the facility. "(2) In previously existing facilities where specific rules cannot be complied with because of unusual difficulty or undue hardship, exception to specific physical plant provisions of the rules may be made if the intent of the rules is met and the security, supervision of inmates, programs or the safe, healthful, or efficient operation of the facility is not seriously affected. "(3) When an exception to a rule is desired for a specific facility, the responsible local authority shall submit a written request to the commission stating the justification for the requested exception and documenting the claim that the exception meets the intent of the rule and will not jeopardize the security, supervision of inmates, programs or the safe, healthful or efficient operation of the facility. An exception, if granted, shall apply only to the petitioner, for the specific situation or equipment cited and for the period of time specified." Thus, the rules prohibit the construction of county jail cells to be used for double celling unless a variance is granted by the Corrections Commission. In addition to adding MCL 791.262b; MSA 28.2322(2), the Legislature, by 1984 PA 102, rewrote MCL 791.262(3); MSA 28.2322(3), to provide: "The department shall supervise and inspect jails and lockups that are under the jurisdiction of the county sheriff to obtain facts concerning the proper management of the jails and lockups and their usefulness. The department shall promulgate rules and standards promoting the proper, efficient, and humane administration of jails and lockups that are under the jurisdiction of the county sheriff pursuant to the administrative procedures act of 1969, Act No. 306 of the Public Acts of 1969, being sections 24.201 to 24.315 of the Michigan Compiled Laws." (Emphasis added.) This is not a substantive change in the prior grant of authority. R 791.563 and R 791.511 remain operative, but R 791.511 may be impacted by the enactment of MCL 791.262b; MSA 28.2322(b), as added by 1984 PA 145, which, in pertinent part, provides: "(1) The rules and standards promulgated under section 62(3) shall not prohibit the housing of 2 inmates in any cell in a county jail as prescribed under this section which meets both of the following conditions: (a) The basic cell is at least 65 square feet in area. (b) The cell provides unrestricted access to a day area which is available for use by the inmates other than those inmates being disciplined. The day area shall be available at least 14 hours per day and shall contain an average of at least 20 additional square feet of space per inmate. "(2) For purposes of housing inmates as provided for under this section, the sheriff of the county shall develop and implement a classification system classifying the county jail population according to all of the following: (a) Behavior characteristics. (b) Similar physical characteristics. (c) Age. (d) Type of crime committed and criminal history. (e) Gender. "(3) The classification system under subsection (2) shall be submitted to and approved by the chief judge of the circuit court for the county. "(4) A person who has no other prior convictions shall not be housed with another inmate as provided for under this section. "(5) Cells in which 2 inmates are housed shall have doors which allow visual supervision, and inmates shall be under visual supervision at least every hour. "(6) An inmate who is subject to section 33b(a) to (cc) of Act No. 232 of the Public Acts of 1953, being section 791.233b of the Michigan Compiled Laws, shall not be housed in a cell with another inmate as provided for under this section, unless the sentencing judge authorizes the inmate for such housing. "(7) If the state incurs any expense or is liable for damages on any judgment for an action brought as the result of a county housing 2 inmates in a cell as provided for under this section, the county in which the action arose shall fully indemnify the state for the expense or damages. "(8) No more than 75% of the total inmate population may be housed 2 to a cell and pretrial inmates must be housed in separate cell blocks or housing units from sentenced inmates. In any jail facility with 5 or more floors, pretrial inmates must be housed on separate floors from sentenced inmates." A study of the legislative history of MCL 791.262b; MSA 28.2322(2), is instructive. In considering HB 5197, enacted as 1984 PA 145, the Legislature was aware of the manner in which R 791.563(1) and R 791.511 were being applied by the Department of Corrections. House Legislative Analysis, HB 5197, June 28, 1984, noted: "Since 1975 Department of Corrections (DOC) rules have required that county jails provide single-occupancy cells for inmates. In practice this policy applies fully only to new jail construction. Older jails which are structurally unable to meet this requirement are allowed to house certain inmates in dormitories, but not in double-occupancy cells. Two temporary variances have been issued by the DOC allowing the double-occupancy of cells designed for single-occupancy--one to Ingham county and one to Jackson county. Both of these variances were granted in response to overcrowding emergencies and had effect pending jail expansion or the development of programs alternative to jailing. Both variances have expired. The banning of 'double bunking,' as this practice is called, is an expression of the Department's position that double bunking is inherently dangerous to the inmates." It was also noted in the same bill analysis that the new Wayne County jail was projected to be 200 beds short of requirements on the day it opens and that it had already been denied a variance to use double bunking by the Department of Corrections. MCL 791.262b; MSA 28.2322(2), contains no provision for granting of variances from its provisions. While MCL 791.262b; MSA 28.2322(2), may be inartfully drawn in that its provisions are stated as a limitation upon the rulemaking power of the Department of Corrections, nevertheless, the legislative intent as gleaned from the statute and the House Bill Analysis is manifest. No more than two inmates may be housed in one cell in a county jail, provided that the enumerated conditions are satisfied. Had the Legislature intended to permit more than two inmates in a county jail cell, it would have explicitly stated the conditions under which such housing could be provided. Thus, it is appropriate to invoke the rule of statutory construction that the express mention of the housing of two inmates in one cell of a county jail subject to numerous restrictions implies the exclusion of the housing of three or more inmates in the same cell. See, Sebewaing Industries, Inc. v. Village of Sebewaing, 337 Mich. 530, 545; 60 NW2d 444 (1953). In MCL 791.262b; MSA 28.2322(2), the Legislature has set two inmates as the maximum number of persons to be confined in a county jail cell. It is my opinion, therefore, that the legislature, by setting a limit of two prisoners in a county jail cell, has spoken with specificity with regard to this matter. Therefore, it is my further opinion that the Department of Corrections is without authority by variance or otherwise to permit a county jail to house three or more inmates in a cell. Only the legislature can do so. Frank J. Kelley Attorney General
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