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Search for Charities, Public Safety Organizations,
and Professional Fundraisers

After confirming that you have read the disclaimer below, you will be able to search for:
  • a registered charity, public safety organization (police or fire group), or professional fundraiser by name, EIN, or Attorney General file number.
  • a list of charities by purpose, geographical area, or combination of factors.
After your search returns one or more charities or public safety groups, you may click on the organization name for a summary of information from our database for that organization.  We recommend that you read Tips for Evaluating a Charity.

You must indicate that you have read the following disclaimer before you can access the Charitable Trust Section Database Search page.


The information on this website is taken from data provided to the Attorney General by the organization.  Neither the State of Michigan nor the Department of Attorney General can guarantee the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of such information.  Portions of the data may be incorrect or may not be current.  It is the responsibility of the organization to submit accurate reports and to inform the Department of Attorney General of any updated or incorrect information.

Inclusion of an organization or professional fundraiser on this website does not constitute an endorsement by the State of Michigan or the Michigan Department of Attorney General.  Inclusion only indicates the organization or professional fundraiser has complied with Michigan's application and reporting requirements, or it has submitted a registration or application that is currently under review.

The absence of information related to any charitable organization or professional fundraiser does not necessarily mean that the organization or professional fundraiser is not in compliance with Michigan law.  Some organizations are exempt from the registration requirement.  If an organization is not listed, please call (517) 335-7571 or email [email protected]  for more information.

I have read the disclaimer

You must indicate that you have read this disclaimer by clicking on
the above statement before you can access the database.

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The information on these pages is taken from information provided to the Michigan Attorney General by the organization or its agents. The Attorney General's office does not endorse or promote any of the organizations or professional fundraisers listed on these pages. The Attorney General's office does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any of the information included. If you notice any errors, please contact the Charitable Trust Section.

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